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Polymer Chemistry
A Practical Approach
Edited by
The School of Chemistry,
The University of Reading, UK

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Contributors xiii
Abbreviations xvii
1. Polymer characterization 1
Ian L. Hosier, Alun S. Vaughan, Geoffrey R. Mitchell, Jintana
Siripitayananon, and Fred J. Davis
1. Introduction 1
2. Synthetic routes to polymers 2
3. Molecular weight determination 4
4. Composition and microstructure 7
5. Optical microscopy 9
6. Electron microscopy 11
7. Analytical microscopy 14
8. Scanning probe microscopy 16
9. Thermal analysis 18
10. Molecular relaxation spectroscopy 21
11. X-ray and neutron scattering methods 24
12. Conclusions 32
References 33
2. General procedures in chain-growth
Najib Aragrag, Dario C. Castiglione, Paul R. Davies,
Fred J. Davis, and Sangdil I. Patel
1. Introduction 43
2. Free-radical chain polymerization 44
3. Anionic polymerization 67
4. Ring-opening polymerizations initiated by anionic reagents 83
5. Coordination polymers 90
6. Conclusions 95
References 95
3. Controlled/‘living’ polymerization methods 99
Wayne Hayes and Steve Rannard
1. Introduction 99
2. Covalent ‘living’ polymerization: group transfer
3. Controlled free-radical polymerizations mediated by nitroxides 109
4. Controlled free-radical polymerizations: atom transfer free-radical
polymerizations (ATRP) and aqueous ATRP
References 123
4. Step-growth polymerization—basics and
development of new materials
Zhiqun He, Eric A. Whale, and Fred J. Davis
1. Introduction 126
2. The synthesis of an aromatic polyamide 127
3. Preparation of a main-chain liquid crystalline poly(ester ether)
with a flexible side-chain
4. Non-periodic crystallization from a side-chain bearing
5. A comparison of melt polymerization of an aromatic di-acid
containing an ethyleneglycol spacer with polymerization in
a solvent and dispersion in an inorganic medium
References 143
5. The formation of cyclic oligomers during
step-growth polymerization
Abderrazak Ben Haida, Philip Hodge, and
Howard M. Colquhoun
1. Introduction 145
2. Synthesis and extraction of cyclic oligomers of
poly(ether ketone)
3. Synthesis of some sulfone-linked paracyclophanes
from macrocyclic thioethers
4. Summary 156
References 156
3. Controlled/‘living’ polymerization methods 99
Wayne Hayes and Steve Rannard
1. Introduction 99
2. Covalent ‘living’ polymerization: group transfer
3. Controlled free-radical polymerizations mediated by nitroxides 109
4. Controlled free-radical polymerizations: atom transfer free-radical
polymerizations (ATRP) and aqueous ATRP
References 123
4. Step-growth polymerization—basics and
development of new materials
Zhiqun He, Eric A. Whale, and Fred J. Davis
1. Introduction 126
2. The synthesis of an aromatic polyamide 127
3. Preparation of a main-chain liquid crystalline poly(ester ether)
with a flexible side-chain
4. Non-periodic crystallization from a side-chain bearing
5. A comparison of melt polymerization of an aromatic di-acid
containing an ethyleneglycol spacer with polymerization in
a solvent and dispersion in an inorganic medium
References 143
5. The formation of cyclic oligomers during
step-growth polymerization
Abderrazak Ben Haida, Philip Hodge, and
Howard M. Colquhoun
1. Introduction 145
2. Synthesis and extraction of cyclic oligomers of
poly(ether ketone)
3. Synthesis of some sulfone-linked paracyclophanes
from macrocyclic thioethers
4. Summary 156
References 156
6. The synthesis of conducting polymers based
on heterocyclic compounds
David J. Walton, Fred J. Davis, and Philip J. Langley
1. Introduction 158
2. Electrochemical synthesis 159
3. Synthesis of polypyrrole 163
4. Synthesis of polyaniline 178
5. Synthesis of polythiophene 181
6. Conclusions 186
References 186
7. Some examples of dendrimer synthesis 188
Donald A. Tomalia
1. Introduction 188
2. Excess reagent method 190
3. Protection–deprotection method 193
References 199
8. New methodologies in the preparation of
imprinted polymers
Cameron Alexander, Nicole Kirsch, and Michael Whitcombe
1. Introduction 201
2. Sacrificial spacer approach 203
3. Preparation of bacteria-imprinted polymers 210
References 214
9. Liquid crystalline polymers 215
Sangdil I. Patel, Fred J. Davis, Philip M. S. Roberts,
Craig D. Hasson, David Lacey, Alan W. Hall, Andreas Greve,
and Heino Finkelmann
1. Introduction 215
2. Synthesis of an acrylate-based liquid crystal polymer 217
3. The hydrosilylation reaction: a useful procedure for the
preparation of a variety of side-chain polymers
4. Photochemical preparation of liquid crystalline elastomers
with a memory of the aligned cholesteric phase
5. Defining permanent memory of macroscopic global alignment
in liquid crystal elastomers
6. Summary 244
References 244

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