Describe of singeing machine/ Objects of singeing

  Singeing is the process of applying a protective adhesive coating on the surface of the warp yarn so as to increase smoothness, luster, evenness, weight and strength of the yarn. This process is very important to increase the efficiency of weaving.

On the other hand this is a mechanical process where the warp yarn is beaming by electrical or hand process, that time one type of adhesive liquid coating on yarn. The coating sticks the projecting fiber on the land of yarn so that it’s being smoother, luster, evenness etc. This process is called singeing process or dressing. Statistic says after singeing! The yarn gets more than 15-20% stronger than ever. After singeing yarn get strength go fight against the rubbing which is created from ride in loom

                           Singeing Machine

On the other hand this is a mechanical process where the warp yarn is beaming by electrical or hand process, that time one type of adhesive liquid coating on yarn. The coating sticks the projecting fiber on the land of yarn so that it’s being smoother, luster, evenness etc. This process is called singeing process or dressing. Statistic says after singeing! The yarn gets more than 15-20% stronger than ever. After singeing yarn get strength go fight against the rubbing which is created from ride in loom.

Objects of singeing 

*After make the coating on the yarn so that the project fiber adhesive with yarn so that it’s look smooth and *get little more strength.
*After singeing the yarn get the strength to protest the rubbing when the weaving or knitting.
*Singeing increase the yarn’s diametrical length so the yarn get zigzag free smoothness.
*Singeing makes the yarn increase its weights.
*Singeing can change the grade of yarn from low grade to high grade
*The yarn can be used perfectly after singeing. 

Generally singeing machine classify in four divisions for there drying methods.
Cylinder drying
            Two cylinder type
            Multi cylinder drying
Hot air drying
Infrared drying
Combined system

Singeing system classification is given blew.
Slasher singeing
Hot pressure singeing
High pressure singeing
Foam singeing
Electrostatic singeing
Polymer emulsion singeing
Combined singeing


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