Pigment Washing Flow Chart

Flow Chart of Pigment Wash

Step 01: Desizing

Water is added (400 Lt)

Garments are added

Machine started running

320 gm Detergent added

320gm Caustic soda added

600gm Soda ash added

Temperature raise to 60°C

Time 20-60 minutes

Drop the liquor

Add water and cold wash

Step 02: Softening

Water is added (400 Lt)

Garments are added

Machine started running

240 gm Softener added

200gm Acetic acid added

160gm silicon softener added

Temperature Cold

Time 15 minutes

Drop the liquor

Unlaod garments on trolley

Step 03: Hydro Extracting

Load the garments on m/c

R.P.M 700-900

Time 3-5 minutes

Unload the garments on trolley

Step 04: Drying

Load the garments on dryer m/c

Temp 60- 70°C

Time 40-50 minutes

Time 10-15 minutes for cold dry

Unload the garments

Quality checking

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