Marker making efficiency| Calculation of Marker Efficiency

Marker efficiency :
Success of marker planner is measured from the efficiency of marker plan. Marker efficiency is defined as a ratio of area of marker used in a garment and area of total marker.

According to Glock and Kunz , “Marker efficiency is determined from fabric utilization, the percentage of total fabric that is actually used in garment parts.”

Glock and Kunz also said in their book that, marker efficiency and Fabric utilization is not same thing. In marker efficiency calculation fabric wastage due to end bits and end loss is not included but in fabric utilization calculation all kinds of fabric wastage are included. 

Calculation of Marker Efficiency :
Calculation of marker efficiency is explained below with formula.
General formula using area,

Area of pattern in the marker plan: CAD system automatically calculates total area of garment pattern pieces placed in a marker. So we get the area of marker that is consumed by garments from CAD system.

Total area of marker plan: Total marker area can be calculated by multiplying marker length by marker width.

In manual marker it is difficult to measure surface area of garments patterns in a marker. You can use a mechanical device, Perimeter, to calculate the surface area of pattern pieces from outlines of the pattern pieces.

Another method can be practiced to calculate marker efficiency when you don’t have CAD system or Perimeter. Calculate ratio of weight of fabric consumed by pattern pieces and total weight fabric under total marker area. So a separate formula is used to find marker efficiency.

Formula using weight,

Weight of garment parts: To calculate weight of garment parts cut one layer of fabric according to markers and weigh all garment parts that are included in a marker.

Weight of marker total area:
Measure weight of fabric (one layer) of total marker area.

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