Calculation Method of Operator Efficiency in Textile & Garments Industry


For making maximum profit in garments industry every production officer should know operator efficiency. An operator with higher efficiency produces more garments than an operator with lower efficiency in the same time frame. When operators work with higher efficiency, manufacturing cost of the factory goes down. And garments industry will make profit easily.

Operator in garment sewing
For finding out operator efficiency we can use formula. Operator efficiency formula is the one of the most useful formula in garments industry. Depending on it we can easily find out the more or less efficient labor or operator. Then we can concentrate those operators whose efficiency is less and try to improve his efficiency. So that we can increase our production efficiency and also make more profit.

Operator Efficiency Formula:
To calculate the operator efficiency following formula should be followed by any industrial engineer.

                                         Total minute produced by an operator
Operator efficiency (%) = ..........................................................
                                              Total minute attended X 100

Total minute produced=Total piece made X SAM of the operation (Cutting or Sewing) &
Total minutes attended=Total hours worked in the machine X 60

An operator was doing an operation of SAM 0.50 minutes. In an 8 hours shift day he produces 500 pieces.

So according to the efficiency calculating formula, that operator’s overall efficiency,

                                     Total minute produced by an operator
Operator Efficiency% = ……………...........…………………………
                                     Total minute attended by operator X 100

= (500 x 0.50) / (8 X 60) X 100%
= 250/480 X 100%
= 52% (ANS)

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