What is jute fiber? / Chemical Composition of Jute fiber/Classification of Jute fiber/Common Defects Found in Jute fiber.

Jute Fiber:

Jute fiber is a natural bast fiber. It is one of the most affordable natural fibers and is second only to cotton in amount produced and variety of uses of vegetable fibers. It is harder than other textile fibers. It is environment friendly. Normally jute is used for sacking, burlap, and twine as a backing material for tufted carpets.

                                                                        Jute plant
Chemical Composition of Jute:
Jute is composed of 65% cellulose and 35% natural wages, oils and cements (lignin).

The chemical composition of jute is given below:
  • Cellulose....................................... 65.2%
  • Hemicelluloses ...............................22.2%
  • Lignin ............................................10.8%
  • Water soluble ................................1.5%
  • Fat and wax ..................................0.3 - 1.0%
Classification of Jute:
In accordance with color jute is two types
  1. White jute (Corchorus capsularis)
  2. Tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius)
Classification of jute according to the quality (Geographical distribution according to Bangladesh):
  1. Jat
  2. District
  3. Northern
Common Defects Found in Jute:
Specky Jute:
If the Jute Fibers are not rotted and washed properly; the barks of jute adhere to the fibers and causes them speck. Speck in jute is a major defect of jute which lowers the quality of Jute fibers.

Defect in jute
Rooty Jute:
This kind of Jute Defects occurs due to various reasons such as under retting of the root ends of Jute fibers and if the root portion is not completely under water during ratting.

Croppy Jute:
If the top end of the fibers is rough, black and hard then stripping is insufficient which causes croppy jute.

Knotty Jute:
This kind of knotty jute defects is caused by insect bite in the jute plants.

This type of Jute is hard and barky caused by insufficient removal of hard bark from jute.

Mossy Jute:
Mossy grows in stagnant of water. The mosses adhere to the Jute fibers causing Mossy Jute.

Glossy Jute:

Highly lustrous jute fiber sometimes creates problems. This kind of highly lustrous jute fiber is named as Glossy Jute.

Flabby Jute:
Hairy Jute fiber defects are created due to over retting and careless stripping of Jute.

Long hard and broken ribbon like fibers caused careless stripping and washing.

Dazed Jute Fibers:
The Jute fiber which has lost it’s strength and luster due to over retting or excessive moisture in it.

Heart Damage:
This kind of defects caused for badly damage rotten or tendered fibers.

Weak fibers:
Over retting is the main cause of weak fibers, also due to under drying and sorting in moist condition.

Sticky or Woody:
In the top end at the jute plant is not stripped properly from the fiber, the brow pieces of the plant remain the fiber ceurecl this defect. It is due to over retting of lower part of the plant is under retting of lower part of the plant is under retting of the top end.

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